Thanks for all the kind words and concern, I'm doing better and wanted go give a quick update.
Had lots of results through which are great. My White blood cells are not low and have overnight gone from 0.4 to 4.9! Hurrah. I'm not neutropenic now but they're still being cautious with stuff so still in isolation and on anti vitals and antibiotics at the moment. The MRI results are great too-
No cancer :) Massive relief and still not sunk in as still in hospital
Ovarian cyst gone (they found one two months ago but must have been a normal cyst women get occasionally)
No abscess
This means that we don't need to do anything today other than control pain and let my body get a bit better. We still don't know what is causing pain but there doesn't seem to be an infection which hopefully means it could just be a tear that needs surgery but we'll see tomorrow.
Pain relief doubled so I'm quite a happy bunny at mo :) bit out of it. We'll see what surgeons say tomorrow.
Will update when I know more. Love to u all xx
Cool! Was thinking of you today, as I've been helping my parents' move house. Loads of old photos from Rootes, and old christmas/birthday cards from people like you and Jenny R. :)