Friday, 20 May 2011

Doing well

I'm five weeks post chemo now and I'm starting to get my body and mind back which is great. I definitely hit a bit of a low
In hospital and wasn't really sure how much more I could take, but thankfully with lots of rest at home and help from my amazing family I am really recovering and chemo is leaving me more every day. I can't believe how much energy I have now. Ive not felt this well for a long time and even though I'm weak compared to everyone else still, I'm managing normal things and my three hour day naps are down to 30mins to one hour :) hurrah!

I've been starting to paint the house as a way of trying to move in before Christmas, and to do 'normal' stuff. We've made amazing progress and my poor family are exhausted but it's looking like a house that you could actually imagine living in.

Ray and I are pretty tired. I think the stress of the last six months is hitting us and we're keen to just try and rest lots, get back in to church life, see our friends and to move in to our own house. God's carried us through thankfully. Just feels great dreaming a bit about the future and not having the treadmill of chemo and cancer defining timings.

Thanks again for all the encouragement x

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