Saturday, 18 June 2011

Hi everyone

Realised I'd not written for a while so thought I'd sign in to say hi and give you an update on my progress. Well despite a cold knocking me for six for a few days, I've been getting slowly stronger every day which has been a relief and exciting for my family and I to see. I am feeling so much better that I've managed a few wks now on my own in the house with Millie with help from Mum still on and off. But I'm very proud of myself for doing so many early morning wake ups with Millie and still be standing to put her down at night. Amazing recovery and confirmation as to quite how poorly I must have been feeling before diagnosis.

I had two consultant appointments this week which were both very positive and real confirmation of God's involvement in all this. Firstly my blood has made almost a full recovery which is apparently quite unusual to have happen so quickly and a v.good sign. Secondly when I had my post op check up I came the closest to actually seeing a Dr being unable to explain something medically. Basically there is not only no sign of scar tissue from the surgery, there is no sign of the surgery at all, or that I have ever had children. The sight of the cancer, and I'm quoting the Dr, is like it all never happened! :) like I am Gen in 2008! the Dr kept saying "I've never seen anything like it" for a few mins followed by lots of wide open mouths, giggles and "that's unbelievable and impossible." A miracle me thinks? ;) it is an amazing act of God and I had a good chat with him as he said he'd been really touched by my story. He was the one who had to tell me it was cancer and has been following my progress since. We had a great chat and hes confirmed that if we do/can have more children he'd be really pleased to be my obstetrician. That was a happy prospect and I've felt like I'm through a big hurdle of my first major check up. Nothing now for two months.

We've had a wonderful few weeks seeing old friends and I've got Millie's birthday next week which I'm really looking forward to. So we're doing really well and I'm loving that my hair is growing back same colour as before. Yay! I have quite a lot of regrowth now and I'm thinking at this rate I could discard the hat by the end of July.

Thanks for all your prayers, God is working in visible ways and still giving me peace that He is in control and enough energy to grab everything out of the day I can. Love to you all xx